Heat Stress Monitoring


Working in hot environments can cause heat stroke and other illnesses.

Heat Stress Monitoring

Working in hot environments can cause heat stroke and other illnesses.

Working in hot conditions can put workers at risk as their body temperature may become too warm and unable to cool down. When body temperature gets too hot it can cause illness or injury.

Many workplaces do not have measures to handle extreme heat. This puts workers at risk of heat stress.

Factors like workplace conditions (temp, ventilation, humidity), clothing, work rate, knowledge of heat strain and acclimatization can all contribute to heat stress in the workplace.

Managing heat stress is important to protect workers health and safety. Whatever the source of heat, K2 can provide informed solutions that fits your workplace.

Heat stress is extra heat put on a person’s body, which leads to heat strain. Heat strain is the body’s physical response to that extra heat.

Heat strain occurs when the body is unable to cool itself down after exposure to excessive heat. This failure to lower body temperature can result in a variety of health impacts ranging from mild to severe.